Open Letter To The Public
To whom it may concern, We truck drivers have been in contact with our members of Congress about our grievances in the past to no avail. Our Senators and Representatives have been ignoring our pleas. Sure they acknowledge us to the fact that we have contacted them, but they have shown no concern for our dilemma. In 2012 Congress passed the MAP 21 Act, which was an infrastructure bill, and by doing so they inserted mandates requiring that the trucking industry must use electronic logging devices to keep track of the record of duty status. A mandate to purchase a product is a means to create a multi billion dollar industry at the expense of an already overburdened industry when it comes to profitability over operating cost. My concern is that we operate on a just in time delivery system. This means that grocery stores are stocked up for a three day supply of goods to provide to their customers. With this mandate coming into effect on December 18, 2017 many trucks may be removed from service due to the increased cost. Many drivers are planning on vacating the industry over the matter, in an industry where drivers are in high demand, which will put a strain on our supply system. If this happens then we will suffer an increase in grocery cost, in building materials, as well as many other amenities that we come to enjoy. In other words it will lead to an inflationary rate that our country can't afford in an already dismal economy. The American truck drivers are standing up for our Rights as citizens of the United States. Electronic Logging Devices are a clear violation to our fourth and fifth amendmendment rights. When Congress can force the use of electronic tracking devices in commercial motor vehicles then they may decide it's okay to force them in personal vehicles as well. Our primary concerns are: 1) Forcing trucking companies, and owner operators to use electronic logging devices. We want a complete repeal of 49 CFR Part 395, Subpart B - Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). A complete repeal of 49 U.S. Code § 31137 - Electronic logging devices and brake maintenance. A guarantee that there will not be another electronic logging device or tracking device legislation to replace these laws. 2) The hours of service rules. We want a revision of the Hours Of Service rules to eliminate the 14 hour rule. 3) Members of the trucking industry need to be heard during the regulatory process. We have first hand, useful knowledge, that would be beneficial to creating safer travel conditions on the roads, and we are ignored during the regulatory process. We truck drivers are being treated like criminals and are being regulated based on issues that were of concern decades ago. In fact, we are dedicated to safety in all aspects of the job. Please, contact your members of Congress and tell them to stop needlessly assaulting the trucking industry with unrealistic regulations. That they must repeal the mandate passed under the MAP 21 Act and now carried by FAST Act. That they must require the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to repeal 395 Subpart B—Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR), and repeal of 49 U.S. Code § 31137 - Electronic logging devices and brake maintenance. You may like to know that many members of Congress have made large sums of money in stock investments on these types of bills. Members of the trucking industry feel that this mandate for the use of ELD's is a big money grab, and has nothing to do with safety on the roads. Qualcomm is a big manufacturer in communication technologies for the trucking industry. Info about the effects of the use of ELD's The Truck Drivers of America thank you for your help in this important matter. © Truckers United For Freedom 2017 |