Comment Policy
We have added Disqus so that you may make comments on our post. We welcome everyone's input but we must make several assertions to determine the expected boundaries for commenting. You can register a Disqus profile either directly with Disqus at , or with your Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. You are not required to use your real name or appearance. However, we require that folks keep it friendly here. We believe in freedoms but that doesn't mean that inappropriate behavior will be appreciated. With freedom comes responsibility. We ask that you adhere to the following: No hate speech (racists statements, name calling, or unnecessary attacks) No foul language, folks can express themselves without being vulgar. No pornography or sexually explicit dialogue. No harassment, it's just as easy to discontinue a conversation as it is to commit to an argument. No advertising, this site is for conversation and educating one another on the issues. No Go Fund Me, we understand people have concerns but we don't have the time to vet the legitimacy of the request. Be clear and concise, often people aren't clear on their intent when writing and folks may misunderstand the meaning of what is said. Give people the benefit of the doubt before taking offense. Thank you for taking part in our platform. We hope that you visit often and enjoy being part of our community. - The Truckers United For Freedom Team - |